With deep concerns from contractors, public sector engagers and agencies that recent IR35 reform would prove unmanageable, Qdos Contractor has developed an industry-first IR35 solution with global recruitment group Hays, which proves regulatory reform can be managed effectively, and on a large scale.
Our purpose-built IR35 tool protects thousands of public sector contractors, numerous vital public sector organisations and agencies.
Our answer to April’s IR35 reform has already been put to good use, with numerous central Government departments, local authorities and educational establishments all making use of our expert, independent and impartial assessments.
Notably, a number of public sector organisations who initially made ‘blanket’ decisions that their entire contractor workforce should sit inside IR35, have reversed their initial decisions since making use of the tool, and now carry out IR35 assessments on a case-by-case basis.
Having spent months developing the tool together, Qdos Contractor now provides an outsourced compliance facility to Hays. Unlike HMRC’s ESS Tool, our IR35 solution involves all parties in the contractual chain to ensure accurate, compliant and fair decisions when it comes to whether a contractor sits inside or outside IR35.
As well as protecting contractors' interests, our solution means the public sector engager has peace of mind that they are meeting their legal requirements. It also ensures that recruitment agencies can continue to place public sector contractors compliantly, on a large scale, while fully covered by IR35 insurance.
It offers proof that changes to public sector IR35 can in fact be managed. With Hays, the tool was built to protect each party in the process, and so far has been instrumental in making hundreds of well-informed IR35 determinations. While many recruitment agencies were left confused by recent reform, Hays were fast to act, and influential in helping us shape and develop the process and insurance.
Given that nearly 50% of UK employers expecting growing candidate shortages in 2017, contractors are in high-demand. This purpose-built IR35 solution has an opportunity to make a hugely positive impact on contractors working in the public sector, not to mention the organisations and agencies which engage them.
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